
Down Memory Lane...

“As long as I am breathing, in my eyes, I am just beginning.” ― Criss Jami

”Down Memory Lane” aims at bringing together a (briefed) corporate group and a selected group of Old Folks so that the 2 groups can meet, share and exchange. It starts as a Half-day program bringing participants to enjoy the interaction as a form of care and service with the Old Folks (“beneficiaries”). Yet by taking part into this activities, participants have to open their heart and be sincere to connect  authentically with their “guests”.  Doing so they will experience core principles of service, servant leadership as well as the practical aspects of dealing with communities with special needs.

  • Collaboration
  • Team maintenance
  • Fostering diversity
  • Unlocking talent
  • Building positive mindset
Download the brochure

Learning & development

“Serve To Deserve”: Bringing  Purpose, Vision & Awareness Into leadership

Practice “servant leadership”

  • Look for meaning
  • Develop empathy
  • Understand others
  • Appreciate others (especially when they are different)
  • As you give, you receive
  • Serve to deserve

As you practice the skill of leading selflessly – serving others – you realise – almost magically - that the more you give (energy, effort, time…), you more you receive (appreciation, personal satisfaction, confidence, joy)

  • Quote
    Cherish all your happy moments: they make a fine cushion for old age.
    Christopher Morley